Robert Hackett
Project Manager - Cloud
Robert is a Project Manager with HEAnet with responsibility for its IaaS Cloud Compute project and is also heavily in other related initiatives including the Brokerage team as well as collaborating internationally with other NREN initiatives from GEANT and Terena.

Robert has over 20 years experience in ICT working with a broad range of public and private sector clients having worked for a number of companies including companies Siemens, PFH technology, and Betdaq. Robert has a Bachelor of Engineering from University of Limerick with industry accreditations in Accounting, Networking, Security and Project Management.

WORKSHOP - IAAS Public Cloud Services

Plenary Speakers:
Anna Wilson - HEAnet
Glenn Wearen - HEAnet
John Boland - HEAnet
Jon Holgate - University of Cambridge
Liam Kennedy - HEAnet

Parallel A:
Dr Kevin O'Rourke - National Forum T&L
Dr Terry Maguire - National Forum T&L
John Cox - NUIG
Sean Towns - Dell
Steve Mulhearn - Fortinet

Parallel C:
Robert Allen - Unity Technology Sol...

Parallel D: Workshop Area

If you require information about any aspect of the conference please contact: Fi Coyle: / +353 1 6609040