Dr Kevin O'Rourke
National Forum T&L
Kevin is currently on secondment to the National Forum from the Dublin Institute of Technology, where he is Head of eLearning Support & Development.

He has extensive experience of eLearning implementation and research from within Ireland and abroad, and has presented widely and published on this topic. He holds a PhD in the history of ideas from University College London.

Digital infrastructure of Irish HE: An objective view

Plenary Speakers:
Anna Wilson - HEAnet
Glenn Wearen - HEAnet
John Boland - HEAnet
Jon Holgate - University of Cambridge
Liam Kennedy - HEAnet

Parallel A:
Dr Kevin O'Rourke - National Forum T&L
Dr Terry Maguire - National Forum T&L
John Cox - NUIG
Sean Towns - Dell
Steve Mulhearn - Fortinet

Parallel C:
Robert Allen - Unity Technology Sol...

Parallel D: Workshop Area

If you require information about any aspect of the conference please contact: Fi Coyle: fi.coyle@heanet.ie / +353 1 6609040