Digital infrastructure of Irish HE: An objective view

Dr Terry Maguire 
National Forum T&L
Dr Kevin O'Rourke 
National Forum T&L

In March 2015, the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning published Teaching and Learning in Irish Higher Education: A Roadmap for Enhancement in a Digital World 2015-2017.

Among its recommendations for building digital capacity was a review of the existing ICT infrastructure across the higher education sector, regarded as essential in order to observe the existing digital technologies and culture, and in turn to ensure that adequate capacity for digital development exists both locally and through shared services at a national level. A scoping group subsequently proposed that the review should cover state-funded higher education institutions and describe IT (network, hardware, software); content; strategy/culture; staff; students; showcases; and external factors, with each topic split into “national” and “per institution” aspects.

This presentation will outline the results of the infrastructure review conducted in the first half of 2016, which included data from the seven universities, 14 institutes of Technology and six colleges of education. In addition to data on hardware and software used for teaching and learning across the sector, the presentation will outline trends and issues identified by the review, examples of best practice and international benchmarking that has been conducted as part of the process.

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